Attribution: National Archives at College Park , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes the keeper’s amazement at how his old friends age while he—the keeper maintains his “not-long-out-of-high-school” self-image.
So it was with seeing Hal again after 15 or 20 years. Damn, Hal has aged! He is still up and at ‘em, but he is different and he is the first to admit it as he and Harry and the keeper discuss the emerging importance of personal balance in their lives.
There was also a lot of reminiscing over the pre-Walker days when decency prevailed in state government where Hal toiled, and there was excitement over the prospects of a return to some of those post-gerrymandered times—as much excitement, that is, as can be generated by two old guys and another who is forever misplacing the walking stick that aides with his not long-out-of-high-school balance issues.

Photo by Bill Stokes