Attribution: Sonny doe, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper does his best to deny his identity as a doddering old man, but occasionally the truth emerges as it did in a recent grocery check-out line when the keeper held things up as he fumbled with cards and cash for an embarrassingly long time as those in the line behind him and clerks involved exhibited remarkable tolerance and patience as the incident went on and on to an awkward conclusion.
The keeper profoundly thanks those nameless people and puts his embarrassment on a back shelf while prominently exhibiting the verity that his species has a wonderful way with the very young and the very old.
He also vows that perhaps when he goes grocery shopping in an unfamiliar store it would be best if Phyllis were with him. Maybe then he could find the kind of yogurt that was on her list.
The keeper resists self-check-out, but it may be time to give it another try. At least he would try the patience of fewer shoppers.
Thanks again to those tolerant strangers who maybe saw a fumbling old man and realized that someday, if they are lucky, they will be there themselves.

Photo by Bill Stokes