Attribution: Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that in the tradition of “country copy” reporting whereby visits and personal events are duly noted and commented on, “The keeper and Phyllis were drop-in guests at the magnificent prairie and natural gardens of Jerry and Mary Davis near Barneveld where a good time was had by all.”
After many years of following Jerry’s informative and quality work as an outdoor/nature newspaper columnist, it was a pleasure to finally meet the retired university botany prof and to learn from him and Mary that while Mother Nature prevails in all matters she does not operate in a vacuum when it comes to producing spectacular collections of blooming natural beauty. There is a lot of work involved within natural constraints. Thank you, Jerry and Mary.
As a bonus, two of the deer that Jerry frequently photographs for his wonderful daily posts ran out of a corn field as the keeper and Phyllis departed.
Dial up Jerry’s posts, after you read Kickass, of course.

Photo by Bill Stokes