Attribution: Frederick Burr Opper, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in acknowledging the widespread use of the following totally meaningless statement in reacting to the Meridian, PA. shooting: “There is no place in our political system for violence.”
Every politician says it, and not only is it absurd–like saying there is no place for spitting in the punch bowl, but history also shows it to be patently false.
The keeper’s audacity has him suggesting a couple of different operable reaction statements for such occasions as assassination attempts and school shootings:
*What the hell do you expect when the most demented among us can buy a people-killing military machine gun and legally carry it down the street?
*So long as we fail to acknowledge that cowboys dumber than their horses are making the gun rules, politicians and school kids are going to be shot!”
*Well, it may be too bad, but there’s the 2nd amendment and money to be made.
*More guns than people, so do the math.
*Thoughts and prayers! That’s what we need, more thoughts and prayers!

Photo by Bill Stokes