Attribution: Yinan Chen, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop joins the keeper in offering a few random travel notes on a trip he and Phyllis made to Luca’s Wisconsin Rapids birthday party:
*Wisconsin Rapids does have rapids, visible now–with the high water, from the Highway 54 bridge.
*Remnants of Wisconsin’s short-lived White Pine glory are everywhere in big trees that would have been passed up as too small back in the lumberjack era.
*Even on a summer weekday the Interstate is a ridiculous offensive racetrack replete with drivers who think only their missions are of significance.
*Two-lane road ditches are full of wondrous color and mark the hem of the green curtain behind which the great maternity ward hums with the energy of a thousand new lives.
*Soaring vulture checking for a morning roadkill breakfast.
*Restaurant “Stammtisch” table full of old geezers solving the world’s problems.
*Load of Jackpine posts going one way, load of Jackpine logs going the opposite way.
*Old driver sulking at paying as much for one night’s lodging as his grandfather paid for the farm he lived on most of his life.
*Arriving home and announcing to Phyllis that if Luca invites them to another birthday party they will be driving the backroads and bringing sleeping bags.

Photo by Bill Stokes
Love this! Very well-written and interesting to read. Thanks for sharing 🙂