Attribution: Lorie Shaull from Washington, United States, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper accepts the irrefutable evidence that the world has already gone to hell in a handbasket and the temperature will continue to increase until the MAGA cult dingbats and the SCOTUS members melt away like so many Wizard of Oz witches.
In dealing with the extreme heat, wearing appropriate clothing is important, and that clothing would not be heavy black robes, as the SCOTUS members have discovered, and countered by ruling that while fig leaves may be okay in God’s view, they are not okay with them. The members suggest that being wrapped in a lightweight flag is an appropriate replacement for the traditional heavy robes.
The flags-for-figs movement gathered momentum after the entire country was horrified when it was asked to imagine what a totally exposed Supreme Court official portrait would look like as the members went “Au Naturel” in attempting to “keep cool.”
A fully exposed Justice Thomas or Alito was thought to pose a danger to young children as the kids absorbed the importance of truth in potty training.
The keeper will be checking with Phyllis now to make sure he has not been adversely affected by the heat. Maybe a cool drink is in order.

Photo by Bill Stokes