Kickass Gets Rained On

Attribution: Photo by Tasos Mansour on Unsplash

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in wondering what the effect might be on an elderly man—real elderly, if he should get seriously rained on due to several highly questionable decisions as one of those booming thunderstorms put its act together with unusual abruptness? 

Since he likes to think he is a part of nature–no better or no less than the plants and the creatures, might the soaking rain cause the keeper to grow like the rhubarb or the tomato plants in Phyllis’s garden?

Is it possible that the personal soaking was a clear message that the keeper has evolved to that point where he “does not know enough to come in out of the rain,” or could it be that the Ark has sailed and he wasn’t on it?

It had been the keeper’s assumption that, given his age, he had long ago exhausted his quota of stupid.

Apparently that is not the case, as he obediently obeyed Phyllis’s order to “Get out of those wet clothes and put on something dry!”

Photo by Bill Stokes

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