Attribution: Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper on this Memorial Day to remember the two platoon pals from Michigan who were up on the observation post when it took the direct hit that killed them.
Days later on that same OP there was the artillery round that buried the keeper in dirt and debris but only turned him deaf for several days so in the end he came home from war to lead a long and wonderful life.
But for a rotating OP Army platoon schedule from 73 years ago, two very old men in Michigan could be celebrating this day with great grandkids and maybe remembering the guy from Wisconsin who was on the hill that day of the direct hit.
Such are the vagaries of being a member of the most advanced species that spends $2.44 trillion worldwide annually to kill each other and must set aside a day to remember those who lead the way.

Photo by Bill Stokes