Attribution: cyclonebill from Copenhagen, Denmark, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis, having weathered the recent storms unscathed and appreciative of that fact, greet this day of May 23, 2024 with the information that it is National Pork Roll Day, the pork roll being a blend of pork, spics, salt and sugar created in 1850 by John Taylor and which tried to call itself ham until the FDA said in 1900 it wasn’t hammy enough to be labeled as “ham” and would forever be known as “Pork Roll.” It is beloved by that name in New Jersey and other parts of the country.
It is this kind of valuable dietary research information that Kickass readers have come to expect, and which causes the keeper to salivate excessively until he has breakfast, which he will be doing right now, first wishing Phyllis a “Happy Pork Roll Day” as she crunches her plain toast.

Photo by Bill Stokes