Kickass Watches the Storm

Attribution: Mathias KrumbholzCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that the keeper is among those who enjoys the flash and crash of summer thunderstorms, and so was richly entertained Tuesday night at the outstanding demonstration of Nature’s whims, whams, whooshes and WOWS!

Our reaction to storms is apparently formed by the examples set by adults when we were children as a recent Vista West gab session showed: there are those who, like the keeper, relish watching storms at close hand and others who cower in closets because that was what mom did.

It is, of course, common sense to retreat to the basement in accordance to broadcast storm warnings, which is what Phyllis did, casually noting the keeper’s “uncommon sense” in sitting by the window to watch the sheets of wind-driven rain whip and dance across the parking lot while lightning cracked its jagged yellow whip over everything.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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