Attribution: Kaleiteen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, tries to help the keeper remember how humans in their grand conceit think of themselves as the most advanced species as they devote their greatest energies and resources to killing each other with unimaginable weaponry and viciousness, and have been doing so since they lived in caves.
There is appreciation from the dogs and the birds in that the high-end species has deemed dogfighting and cock fights as inhumane and illegal and therefore banning them is considered a mark of civilized behavior.
The worshipful human behavior in sharing the planet with dogs and birds may mean that deep down humans are uneasy with their species unspeakable warlike identity and desire a different evolutionary track, maybe as dogs or birds.
Cows? They only fight in the bullrings when humans torture them to defensive responses.
Yeah, cats! They can’t be bothered to fight as it interferes with napping.

Photo by Bill Stokes