Attribution: Umbe11, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis took the keeper’s book show on the road to the Wautoma Public Library for a pleasant evening of book talk with librarian Xanthe and others on “Stormy Daniels” court day that was followed by a “stormy damn” night that made driving back to Madison a dark, lightening slashed, rainy adventure.
The soggy outing reinforced a number of obvious verities:
*Libraries are great places.
*The keeper, like everyone else, enjoys talking about himself.
*Nothing strokes a writer’s ego like readers’ kind comments.
*As manager/assistants go, Phyllis is the best.
*Old drivers should probably stay home on “Stormy” nights.

Photo by Bill Stokes