Attribution: Whoisjohngalt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that as the keeper tries to maintain at least some low-rung position in the increasing have-and-have-not world he wonders how long it will be before basic weather is so controlled by big money interests that he and Phyllis will somehow have to pay a corporation to walk in the rain or even to view a sunset.
Profit motivated big money has taken over virtually every aspect of life: a dinner check equals what was once the price of a car, individual house ownership is increasingly impossible, billionaires run the government as if the country is Disneyland, and every last stumbling dummy takes big money corporate directions through a “smart” phone on how to do everything from getting up in the morning to shopping for shoes to handing over their last dollar to some flim-flam idiot who inherited BIG MONEY!
It is only a matter of time until pay toilets become a feature of not only all public areas but personal living quarters as well, and it will be necessary to put coins into a corporate-owned slot in order to access your own bathroom.
With the keeper’s bladder now the command organ, he will be flat broke in week or so, and then what!!!!!!

Photo by Bill Stokes