Attribution: David Castor (dcastor), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, doesn’t always approve of the keeper’s poetry fits but he is powerless to stop them…
Today is the day,
For praying to stay
On the gods’ good side
Or they’ll take you away.
Faith for the believers,
Science for the rest.
Immaculate conceivers
Put to the test.
From a thousand pulpits they’ll say
The answer is to pray, pray, pray.
Ignoring that everything is set as god’s will
Apparently to kill-more-kids, kill, kill, kill!
Today’s a day of rest and feasts
To claim evolving beyond the beasts.
Gathering in great fancy places.
Beautified smiles and innocent faces.
Calling on the gods made by man
To save us from ourselves if they can.
But the world wobbles and it may be thus:
As Pogo might say, “It ain’t god, it’s us!”

Photo by Bill Stokes