Artwork by Michael DiMilo
Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Dave S., Mark M., Mark O., Dennis C., Paul C., and Geoff Carter
Sienna poll today says it’ll be Trump vs Biden. A done deal. Don crushing Ron. I’d like to know (2) things:
- Trump’s legal issues won’t even go to court until after he’s the choice of the party (I read), but there is the “wild card” of what if he’s found guilty, gets sentenced, etc…We’ve all probably read various theories on that. I get the impression even a conviction won’t stop him—if he defeats Biden (a big if) since he’ll simply pardon himself. Does anyone know more about this? Is there a scenario where DeSantis creeps back into the field (other than Don croaking)? Why else would Ron continue? Wait, that one I know—polls don’t mean jack. Cream corn will rise to the top in John Deere country, early next year.—1/15 to be exact.
- Sounds like this Mr. Green guy below might be a good source. My 2nd question is how the heck did he know I wear my wife’s panties? We keep that very private. Same thing with my tears shed, I’ve steeled myself over the years, but occasionally a TV commercial can send me off bawling like a baby.
Politico: Iowa Caucus, 9/8/23
“He might say mean things and make all the men cry because all the men are wearing your wife’s underpants and you can’t be a man anymore,” David Green, 69, a retail manager in Somersworth, N.H., said of Mr. Trump. “You got to be a little sissy and cry about everything. But at the end of the day, you want results. Donald Trump’s my guy. He’s proved it on a national level.” (New York Times)
Last, just a feeling but I get the impression the left is more fearful of a DeSantis card vs Biden, then a Trump one. Trump appears to have lost those…I dunno 10 million centrist voters, maybe more, maybe less…and this time round will be a landslide for Biden. Unless of course the No Labels party gets in there and grabs the left slice of the centrists. In just typing that and thinking about “Joe/Jan No Labels guy/gal” (who buy into Joe Manchin’s shtick), it occurs to me No Labels are more likely to grab R voters than D voters.
Interested in your thoughts, not too early to make predictions.
Hey Dave,
While we wait for our political guru MarkyM to make his predictions, I have to say I’m still baffled by Trump’s continuing—and growing—popularity. His base has learned to ignore, despise, or distrust many of our national institutions. Public education, law enforcement, and even the electoral process have come under fire. Many of these people are our age—citizens who went to school during the seventies like us. I still remember how to use reason and logic. I still remember fair play and equality. Apparently, this doesn’t mean anything compared to their belief in the great orange God. I hadn’t realized the extent of the Trumpian indoctrination. Goebbels would be proud of Fox and the great American brainwashing machine.
DeSantis is a loathsome human being and a bit of a sociopath, but at least he has no personal appeal. No cult of personality here. I’m not sure if he would capture Trump’s base should he be nominated. If DT is out of the race, his fans might just pack up their flags and go home. I don’t know. This election is such a wild card. Biden’s age—and health, third-party possibilities, and Trump convictions and incarcerations, who knows where we’ll be? Of course, should election day be ruined by hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, or wildfires, we’d have nothing to worry about.
Hey, don’t forget nuclear armageddon. That could disrupt the election pageant too. Not that I’m predicting that, but I do predict that Ukraine is going to be a millstone around all establishment candidates come next summer. Especially Biden. First, because he’s the sitting president and therefore ultimately responsible. Second, because of his (perhaps passive) involvement in blatant corruption in Ukraine in the leadup to the “conflict”, thanks to his support of his nitwit son Hunter. An upcoming impeachment trial to be launched by House Repubs could be devastating to his already very low popularity.
I believe the Dems better come up with a viable Plan B, pronto. If Plan B is Kamala, they are toast. She is one of the few national politicians with lower popularity than Biden. Some believe their Plan B, or candidate they are keeping in reserve, is Gavin Newsom. I don’t think he would win over any of Red America, but he could give Trump a run for his money.
A Plan B is probably moot unless Biden himself decides to withdraw from the race. Is that what the fate of The Republic is going to hinge on? The whim of a tottering octogenarian? Scary to contemplate.
Hey bots, I’m back in the saddle. Or, more accurately, OUT of the saddle and back in the Milwaukee ‘burbs, soaking up sun, enjoying life, and wearing my wife’s panties whenever she’s not looking.
There’s a lot to unpack here! Per usual. I’ll start by firing a couple of rounds on the “Why and how do people still support Trump?” question.
It’s most important to voters and interest groups that an elected or a candidate support their desired positions. It’s even more important to share the same ENEMIES as the voter. Is it necessary for said elected official to follow the expected norms of that interest group? Not so much. For Exhibit A, I present to you one Bill Clinton, low life womanizer, credibly accused rapist, self admitted adulterer (“Ah caused pain in mah marriage”), crude propositioner (ask Paula Jones), and beneficiary of the most wildly skewed workplace power relationship in history, as he received sexual favors from an intern! Did the Democrats, or the pro-choice movement, or any other staunch defenders of women’s rights desert him in his hour of struggle, as a sign of their fidelity to the battle of women against powerful perps like the Prez? Nah.
And this is the same logic that drives the evangelicals, er, white nationalists, to support the thrice-married, adultering, porn-star-bangin’, foreign chick marryin’ libertine named Trump. He has the same enemies as them.
Another take on this was offered recently by David Brooks in the NYT. He posits that the meritocracy, which fired up in the ’60s as college kids stayed home and non-college kids went to ‘Nam, is the real enemy of the uneducated throngs that rally to Trump. The elites go to college, get good jobs, pour a shit ton of resources into their own kids, who go to college, get the best jobs. Rinse and repeat. It’s all very fair, isn’t it, ,because it’s built around “academic qualifications”, which Maddie and Connor have in spades. The educated class supports policies that make a lot of economic sense — for them. Free trade. More immigration. This class never had to worry much about their office closing because their knowledge work was shipped overseas. As frosting on the cake, social customs changed to the disfavor of those lower on the ladder. Who still gets married and raises their kids in 2-parent families? It ain’t the poor. They are much more likely to raise kids in single parent homes, and having a single parent (sez a stat in the column) is the most reliable predictor of social immobility.
Brooks’ overall point is that Trump’s populism appeals to those mired on the low end of the meritocracy. As has always been true, and has not essentially changed, the deck is stacked against the working poor and the non-college educated. Trump lights that fire and brings these “forgotten” to the polls. Does he care about them? Not on your life. They have to know that. But he gets their support. They share a common enemy — the educated, elite class.
Moving on to the Presidential race. DeSantis is presenting himself, at least so far, NOT in total opposition to Trump, but as a Plan :B for the ‘pubs. If Trump’s legal troubles drag him down and make him clearly unelectable — and this has not happened yet–then DeSantis, the “‘Smart Trump” or the “Trump without baggage”, is ready to slide into the candidate spot. Geoff’s right, the guy is a negative charisma zone. He’s a cross between Scott Walker and Dwight Schrute. Trump entertains! DeSantis bores you to death. There has never been, and can never be, a “DeSantis Rally”. (Today’s news shows: DeSantis fired an elected Orlando prosecutor, who just happens to be a black woman. Can he get his nose any farther up Trump’s ass?)
Like MO, I’m deeply concerned that the vicissitudes of advanced age are going to render Biden a dead letter. What do the Dems do then? Agreed, it ain’t Kamala. She is really one of the least talented modern politicians that has ever advanced this far. I think Dan Quayle had more going for him than she does. Recall that her great, starring moment in the 2020 primary was to hammer Biden for opposing school busing 40 years prior. Wow, what an accomplishment. Meanwhile, I want a Gavin Newsom/Erik Adams ticket ASAP.
The abortion wild card is a monstrously favorable force for the Dems. Every single time it is on the ballot, it wins. And it can help actual candidates (e.g., Judge Janet in WI).
Allow me to recount the details of the latest win for the pro-choice forces. It went like this. The Dobbs decision overturned Roe. The Republican controlled legislature passed a restrictive abortion bill, their GOP guv signed it, and it went into effect. A couple months later, a court stayed the law. Meanwhile, pro-choice grass roots sprung up in Ohio. They easily collected the necessary signatures to put an amendment legalizing abortion into the Ohio constitution. :The deciding vote is coming up in November. Note that, last December, the GOP passed a law outlawing August elections on the grounds that they had a low turnout and were easily manipulated. But this abortion juggernaut had to be stopped! So the Ohio ‘pubs put another amendment on the ballot, to be voted on this past week.This new amendment would RAISE the majority needed to pass an amendment from 50%+1 to 60%! Not so fast you panty-wearing baby killin’ liberals! (You may notice that this vote was in August. Somehow, an exception was made.) Are you following so far? Well, the 60% amendment FAILED across the board. Constitutional amendments will remain at a 50% threshold. I think we all know how the Ohio November vote will turn out.
Whoever winds up on the Democrat dance card, abortion rights is the tune they need to play. It’s going to reverberate in your skulls like one of those Paul McCartney ditties designed to take away your ability to concentrate.I’m thinking: “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”. “Band on the Run”. Or maybe “Silly Love Songs”.
Aha, it’s too late! Maxwell’s Silver Hammer is coming down INSIDE my head. You’re welcome!
How about “Why Don’t We Do it in the Road?”
MO: All fresh to me.Thanks. Newsom is poised—blasted through that feeble impeachment vote a couple years ago (only feasible due to CA’s pc-ness). Has all the tools, would no doubt excite/get out, more of the blue vote… and voting numbers are important. Where is that inner circle to stiff arm Joe?
Sadly: compared to Feinstein & McConnell…Biden is a stud. One very bad dude—the aviators, his pearly white implants–in direct sunlight they are blinding. (not mentioning RBG nor Fetterman out of respect, but the issue of “Its time…or unfit to serve, is same….maybe Fetterman has stabilized—we are rooting for him—his courage, (his hoodie), his triumph over trump back Dr.Oz in a delicate swing state was critical last year Also, the Ohio constitutional abortion vote yesterday is worthy of a Chrissie Hynde’s homage (link):
MM: Excellent take. Newsom-Adams….now that’s the ticket!
Pitching in re McCartney ditties that do not easily fade: “Live and Let Die”: “di-di-de…di-di-de…”(repeat, vary slightly…)
Too bad you saw the Maxwell’s hammer in person– should’ve looked away…”stare into the abyss and…” (I forget the line…)
Ok, Found it;
“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into
the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” (Friederich Nietzsche) quote above has
become very much a part of who I am. When you gaze into that abyss, it
gazes back, and it tells you what you are made of. (Navigating Texas Life)
Never read Nietzsche…maybe I’ll take him up in retirement? I do recall the hysterical Kevin Cline (doofus, CIA hit man—counter to John Cleese (Python immortal) in Fish Called Wanda—Jamie Lee Curtis, too. He had a low IQ but that didn’t stop him from reading Nietzsche.
I take that back. Decent take, not excellent enough. Both of Mark’s posts did not address this No Labels gambit and what havoc, if any, it may wreak.
Well, I’d rate this as an excellent take myself, embellished with tidbits like McCartney ditties, Nietzsche references, and the term “nitwit son”, which so succinctly describes Hunter Biden. I’m thinking old Joe himself uses it when chastising his errant son: “Geez, Hunter. You fucking nitwit. C’mon man. Gimme a break….”
I predict Hunter’s shenanigans will be blown out of all proportion by Trump, conservative media, (and possibly Putin’s secret trolls) to such a noisy, absurd level that Biden will have to pivot away from Satanic, power-mad schemes such as forgiving student loans. Instead he will use his executive powers to order the installation of loudspeakers on all the Illuminati’s strategically placed G5 towers — which will be used to blast the insidious tune, “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”, to drive Hunter-gate from the minds of the collective consciousness.