Photo by Phyllis Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis are off-leash and have run away to spend a few days on the shore of a very small—no motors, lake in the central sand country.
Running away is a life-long option from the time Mom’s discipline seemed extreme to avoiding unpleasant company as an elder. With the keeper and Phyllis, however, running away was only for a change of scenery and routine.
So, they find themselves in this spacious air B&B house in the midst of beautiful tall white pine with a magnificent quiet prevailing. As an added feature there is NO handy TV reception, and NO traffic at the end-of-the-road location.
Though they came in part for sunny days when Phyllis could swim in the sand-bottom lake, on this day they read and drink coffee in the cabin with the gentle sound of rain on the roof: it is a particular mark of how their running away has so far been incredibly successful.
Photo by Bill Stokes