Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper and Phyllis were “Cruising down the river on a Sunday afternoon,” with the keeper recalling some of the lyrics from the 1946 hit song that includes “With one you love, the sun above, waiting for the moon.”
Along the river on this Sunday Afternoon, they saw:
*An old river rat friend who displayed scratches on his arm up to the elbow received when he stuck his arm down the gullet of a huge catfish in trying to remove a hook.
*A young family picnicking by the dam–mom grilling up cheeseburgers while Dad tries his fishing luck and three kids wait.
*A young man riding a jet-ski faster than the speed of sound.
*A couple from Illinois encamped in big chairs at the waters edge with everything within reach including, of course, the big beer cooler.
*A pre-teen boy standing knee-deep fishing with a new rod, not catching much but happier than he will ever be.
*A pontoon boat headed upstream, overflowing with family, laughter and fun.
*A scolding wren that announces its place by the river is not to be shared by anyone or anything, including the keeper, Phyllis and the other riff-raff at son Mike’s river-bank encampment.

Photo by Bill Stokes