Attribution: National Archives and Records Administration , Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, accompanies the keeper on a memory jaunt back to recall one of his wonderful uncles and the magic of the threshing crew.
The tradition of farm women preparing noontime feasts for the neighboring farmers who had assembled to thresh grain is well known and fondly remembered by the keeper.
It was at Henry Homer’s farm, and Mrs. Homer had outdone herself with all the ingredients of an incredible meal.
Uncle Ralph dug in like all of the others, consuming heaps of meat and potatoes and vegetables, and was about to go at the big piece of pie on his plate when he was called outside to meet with a salesman. In his absence, the other men at the table buried Uncle Ralph’s waiting pie beneath heaps of all the main dishes.
When Uncle Ralph returned to the table he sat down without comment and ate everything the men had loaded his plate with, as well as the buried piece of pie, whereupon he said, “Please pass the pie.”
It was the stuff of threshing crew legend, and Uncle Ralph said much later, “It almost killed me but it was worth it.”
The keeper pities those who are too young for such golden memories and who were deprived of the company of the likes of Uncle Ralph.

Photo by Bill Stokes
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