The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Featuring the Fabulous Dadbots: Mark M., Dave S., Mark O., Dennis C., Paul C., and Geoff Carter
Ron DeSantis was looking to make a pretty good run for the Presidency. But his campaign is faltering, and he is painting himself into a corner with his aggressive culture war down in Florida.
He recently published one of those phony political books. For most books, the book tour is a way to sell the book. For this kind of book, the book is a way to sell the tour. His book tour consisted of talking to conservative media in a few cities. They apparently don’t think that he is ready to meet the real non-fan boy media.
While on his book tour, he stepped on it in a big way. He answered a questionnaire from Tucker Carlson, and stated that “ becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not < a vital US interest.>.”
–Carlson Questionnaire, Fox News
Conservative donors were not fans of that characterization as a “territorial dispute”, and it made him look like a craven suck-up to the pro-Putin Trumpist wing of the GOP. After initially claiming that he had been taken out of context (how can a questionnaire answer be taken out of context?), he walked it back.
Meanwhile, Trump has not been hesitant to blast him unmercifully, calling him a “RINO Globalist”.
“Ron would have not been governor if it wasn’t for me. So when I hear he might run, I consider that very disloyal.” “If it weren’t for me, Ron DeSanctimonious would right now be working probably at a law firm, or maybe a Pizza Hut, I don’t know.” DeSantis is “following what I am saying. It is a flip-flop. He was totally different. Whatever I want, he wants. There are Republican governors that did not close their states. Florida was closed for a long period of time.”
–Newsletters, Politco
DeSantis is not yet responding frontally to Trump’s attacks. He has made some side jabs. But he hasn’t yet taken a swing. This is probably wise. But he won’t be able to take on Trump without taking on Trump. So far, he seems to be hoping to be the Trump methadone without actually confronting him. That will never work.
(I will admit that the DeSantis vow to protect Trump from extradition from Florida was slick. No way in hell was Trump going to miss his date with destiny with the Manhattan DA. So DeSantis knew that was a cheap promise that wouldn’t have to be kept.)
One more aspect of DeSantis is that he has a weird, robotic affect which makes it appear that he doesn’t really like people. I am skeptical that he got this far without some people skills. But, “In The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan weighed in on the chilliness of Ron DeSantis, who gives her the feeling “that he might unplug your life support to recharge his cellphone.”
– “Ron DeSantis is Definitely Running” by Peggy Noon, WSJ
(Hat tip Frank Bruno, NYT.)
Finally (applause). He seems to be under the impression that winning the Republican nomination will win him the Presidency. Not necessarily so. Especially since he just signed a 6-week abortion ban, and permitless carry law, in Florida. The attack ads write themselves. Apparently his wife, a former local TV anchor, is his campaign strategist. It may be time to upgrade to a professional.
Most of the negatives I described above can be overcome. But NOT the abortion ban. Swing voters hate it, AND it gets Dems off their butts and into the voting booth. I used to be worried by DeSantis. But unless he starts taking real action to halt his drift, he is going to wind up like the Scott Walker presidential campaign. Deader than dead.
Good stuff Mark. The horse race has begun and I love a good horse race.
People have to like you to vote for you. Voting tends to be an emotional activity. I’m not sure it was always so, but it definitely seems to be now. The ballot is also a mirror, in that it reflects back an image of the self, and helps define the self (for those who participate). Trump strikes me as a lovable thug. His followers like him, even if they can’t in reality actually identify with a NY real estate magnate. He has an appealing brand for lots of folks. DeSantis is just a thug, full stop. He seems to have no personal magnetism. It’s a mystery to me how he even got elected governor. I think that’s probably the political ceiling for him.
Oh, is there really a pro-Putin wing of the GOP? MSNBC says so, but I think the evidence is lacking.
There is a sizable group of Republicans who are:
– white
– nationalist
– Christian
– anti-gay
– in favor of authoritarian leadership
They admire Putin because he meets all of their criteria.
DeSantis Family Photo
DeSantis and family almost pull-off the All-American family schtick in this photo-op, but what are your ‘bot meters telling you? My gauge indicates that prior to the shoot Ron disparaged the gold dress Casey choose as too “Jackie Kennedy” –to which she replied, “Fuck you Ron, you boring fuck–and I mean that in more ways than one..” In response, Ron muttered under his breath. , “Bitch. I could totally shoot you under the castle doctrine.” To which she replied, “I heard that, big talkin’ man. Why don’t you grow a set and say that to your ex-husband Donald? Oooooo, too scared are you?” ….
Thanks for the Rona Barrett perspective, Dennis.
Or was that Hunter S Thompson?
Getting back to the horse race. You may be aware that Republican primaries are mostly winner-take-all. So Trump can win the nom by pulling in his 34%, while Nikki, Pence, Ron, Christie, Asa Hutchinson, and the other also-rans split up the rest.
Ok. One more observation about the Desantis family pic, then I’ll lay off the “plant medicine”. If you look closely, you can see that those aren’t really children in that photo–they are some sort of artfully crafted wax figurines. The Governor’s staff has found that events run much more smoothly when the Governor does not have to deal with human children.
… or humans in general. As you bots have noted, there are many parallels between DeSantis and our own favorite son, Scott Walker. But while Walker is not noted for his people skills or sparkling wit, he did demonstrate (at least at the state level) a certain smooth reptilian glibness that could almost pass for charisma when stacked up against DeSantis’ meager charms. And look how Walker wilted under the harsh scrutiny of the national spotlight. The Koch brothers don’t want to make that same mistake with DeSantis. As Dave points out, when it comes to DeSantis, the “inner circle” ain’t havin’ it.
On the other hand, this is probably DeSantis’s one and only chance. As King of Florida, he’s able to throw all kinds of colorful, smokey things into the boiling culture war cauldron–garnering himself way more attention than, say, Mike Pence gets. But meanwhile Florida is falling apart at the seams; I think even DeSantis has an inkling that four more years of his antics will probably reduce Florida to a failed nation-state status on par with Somalia–and reduce his viability as a Presidential candidate to zilch.
So, this is it for DeSantis; this is his moment. He may have to dodge around the inner circle to throw his hat in the ring, but I predict he will give it a shot.
The aptly named David Pecker, publisher of the National Enquirer, is deep in Trump’s pocket. (He did the catch-and-kill on the Playboy model affair story.). Maybe his crack reporting staff can get to the bottom of the DeSantis Stepford children scandal. Hey, the Enquirer brought down John Edwards!
Anyway, there was a half black dude with big ears, a closet Muslim at that, who ran for President with no more experience than Governor Ron. He cloaked his ambition in a phrase that sounds like it came from the high school yearbook signatures for the transgender prom Queen: “The fierce urgency of now.”
Is DeSantis willing to take the gloves off and give the Orange Jesus a good bitchslap? Cuz he ain’t going to win by playing nice. It could take the voters’ minds off the thousand mile sargassum patch that is about to choke the Florida beaches.
Love it when us seniors reference blasts from the past (Rona)…(explanations required when kids are present). Tim Scott—R SC is another also ran to add to the list…but apparently Glenn Youngkin, may hold off—smart like Ron?
Reading MM’s reminder below, I’m going to double down on my prediction that Ron won’t run. Recall my inner circle theory (an article I read but can’t now find—sorry—something to do with ride of hate politics (Gingrich and how Pat Buchanon (or was it Jerry Falwell?—sorry again….would’ve had the R nomination, if not for the inner circle of the GOP reeling in the whacko….then no such inner circle backbone to thwart trump in 2016. By inner circle I mean within a party plus big money contributors like the Koch Bros. Ironic in that letting the people have the say…come up with the 34% is truly democratic as to the old school inner circle, behind closed door, choreography. So no inner circle to put a viable candidate vs steady-eddy Joe and Biden is a shoe in. That inner circle theory applies to both parties to some extent—E.G. Biden in SC
Re the bully/martyr: Get ready for the sequel. Campaign only I hope. What strings will he pull? Guesses:
- Will grab back the mom vote by somehow stating SCOTUS goofed on abortion but he loves what he see as each state plots their own course—maybe he’ll throw Clarence under the bus.
- Will he double down on the Trans hate? I could see it. Probably recite some medal winning former male in a women’s race….talk about how Adam’s rib was just a rib, not a penis for crumb’s sake…(….when the big guy grafted Eve)
- More on the replacement of men—will be vanquished by 2025 if Joe’s AOC-Bernie apostles have their way
- The rapist and killers flooding in like locusts from Tijuana….(how the heck does he still get the Hispanic vote?…wait I know…haves vs have nots).
- And just how important early childhood freedom to read the right books is.
The only way I could see Trump out, ron in, is if somehow trump gets truly taken down by legal proceedings. From what I know about law is there are 100 brake pedals to slow it down and that’s all trump needs…keep him in the martyr’s chair for 30 more months.
If I’m keeping track, I’m in a deep minority—both nationally and in ‘bot circles–with my ballsy (not to mention heady…heh, heh) prediction: RWR (ron won’t run). We’ve already touched on his mistake re Ukraine (MM id’d that early), now Disney. Trump and Christie attacking poor Ron below in Times story. (Not the first to recognize this antithesis of republican creed behavior). Although the bullying aspect he xeroxed from Obi-wan (Trump) himself.
Worth noting my precious NY Times will only quote Trump if it serves their agenda—seldom do you see stories ‘bout his Truth Social posts. Only when it fits the Times agenda. They probably have a not so unspoken agenda—just like NPR: Suffocate trump. If push came to shove—and it has–as 2016 doth attest–I agree with it. But depressing in just how messy free speech, free thought, is these days.
–“Republicans Hit DeSantis Over Disney Feud”, New York Times
From what I’ve seen of Trump’s “Truths”, they are the inane babblings of a dementia patient. The Times is actually doing him a favor by not reprinting his gibberish. The only media agenda in play here is that Trump’s posts simply aren’t newsworthy.
Do you recall, during the first year or so of Trump’s presidency, how each new tweet of his would be analyzed and discussed? When really, they were no more significant than the random firing of neurons in a Petri dish. It took a while, but finally we stopped having to read his ravings on a daily basis.The media just stopped reporting them.
I am starting to lean toward the RWR camp myself. Either that, or he’s just doing a horrible job of defining himself to the voters. The missteps are piling up. His premature deification among GOP talking heads reminds me of how the Left looked to Robert Mueller for deliverance. As they say, hope is not a strategy.
Nina Totenberg:
Continuing critique of journalism. Here’s something positive: I first noticed Nina’s skills during the Ketanj Brown Jackson hearings. Now I am a big fan. Lately she’s been providing updates on the Mifepristone (M) saga. What she does well:
- Speaks/reports fast. Boom. Info.
- Has followed the court for years, is far better than most talking heads.
- Holds the court in check—only those that pay attention can. I’m sure she’s not the only one, and I’m sure she gets help when legalese gets deep, but whatever, she distills it and explains it. Her latest is the corner Justice Alito has painted himself into. More than once in the past he has pointed to the FDA as the experts in this very matter. Now……he’s giving it more thought…..right…. SCOTUS kicked the can yesterday. Nina supplies dates and specifics (which circuit court, when, over-ruled by…etc. …) Another absurdity I heard yesterday—hope I have this right, but besides the 20 some year, old FDA green lighting of M—which whacko Judge in Texas (wish he was from Waco…J)—somehow had the temerity (and power) to overturn for the whole country…., well there was another update from the FDA—research continues, science, discovery progress… and the medicine is made safer……well the update reduced the dosage of M by 2/3rd and there were a few other tweaks, . Well, one of the twists in this silly saga—I think another district court suggested a jump back to an out of date set of procedures, (not the one from Washington State—that’s another story I’m not going to include here), but the one that stopped the whacko court, before Biden had SCOTUS step in—and if I have this straight the jump back would push back subsequent progress made by the FDA. Crazy. Pretty sure I have that right. I can quote Nina as sighing and saying re SCOTUS…”…like following the Kremlin”. BAM!, ZOWIE!!
It is concerning that the Supreme Court has had to delay their decision on Mifepristone. Not being an acclaimed conservative Catholic jurist, focused only on ‘calling balls and strikes’, and totally unheedful of any political considerations, I don’t get why they need two more days to figure this one out. Some of these Black Robes have got it in for the administrative state, so they will take any opportunity to slice a Federal agency down to size. If it throws the entire regulatory process for pharmaceutical approval into chaos, that’s just collateral damage, and not a concern for the Court.
One detail that hasn’t been raised in this colloquy… The drug is also used to care for women who have miscarriages (actually the correct term is “pregnant people”, but I don’t want to litigate that nonsense nust now). It’s the standard of care, used to prevent the necessity of D&C procedures. Sometimes tissue is left behind in the uterus and the drugs are used to stimulate the ejection of same. Does the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (the plaintiffs in this case) care? Apparently not.
I don’t know who the Republicans are going to end up with in 2024. Both RD and DT are so far out of touch with voters that they don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the presidency. Maybe them getting nominated would be a good thing. But I thought the same thing about Trump in 2016. The key is the MAGA Republicans. They seem to be the only Republican voice that’s being heard right now. Part of me is hoping that Cheney might have a shot, but it seems doubtful.
DeSantis seems to have some sort of weird self-destructive streak in him. Taking on Disney and doubling down on abortion and guns is not gaining him any friends outside of MAGALand. He has to realize that. Right?