By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, advises the keeper to use caution in all matters having to do with cats, considering the past hostility of some readers when the keeper wrote about them. But he–the keeper, cannot ignore the news out of New Zealand where a recreational competition among kids to kill feral cats was abandoned due to “backlash.”
New Zealand is overrun with feral cats to the point that they destroy native wildlife species; and promoters of the kids-killing-cats project described it as a teaching experience for young hunters.
As an example of adults not thinking through an issue involving children, the kids-as-cat-killers in New Zealand is small potatoes compared to the American adults’ willingness to allow machine guns in the hands of child killers until shooting becomes the number one cause of child death.
Cats and kids need to watch out for adults, until the adults figure out that guns need to be flushed down the cultural toilet, or at least put into a regulatory perspective that prohibits their presence in churches, schools and out in public in general.
The Second Commandment conflicts the Second Amendment as guns have become objects of worship.
Something to consider on a Sunday morning.

Photo by Bill Stokes