InvadingInvader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that fast on the heels of the keeper’s campaign to deny men the right to vote in all future elections, comes a cascade of complaints–from men, who say that use of the heavy-duty “fly” swatter as an enforcement tool invades men’s privacy.
Negative reaction to removing men from the voting roles also comes from the MAGA crowd with a spokesman saying, “They say they could grab us by our privates, and then they expect us to vote intelligently!”
Since “only men” could vote for the first 144 years of the country’s history, the keeper’s plan calls for “only women” voting for the next 144 years which would take us to the year 2388, when those waiting for the “Rapture” will have sold their places in line to those non-voting men who thought the line was for Packer tickets.
(Phyllis says she hopes to get the keeper back on his leash soon, but she makes no promises.)