Dsns.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, has been asked by the keeper to come up with something comparable in the animal world to the shelling of innocent civilians in the ongoing Putin-Ukraine travesty.
The keeper draws a blank.
In the cause of narcissistic territorial ambitions, the human race now participates in and tolerates the shelling of grandma’s bedroom. No other species has evolved to the point of killing their own kind in such an unspeakable and senseless manner.
Once in Korea an artillery shell buried the keeper in dirt and debris as he slept in an observation post bunker. It was a routine incident in a territorial war zone; but to accept an artillery round blowing grandma to pieces in her own bed is quite a different thing and must be considered in the context of imagining that it could be your grandma!
With the exception of the “Civil War,” US grandmas have been safe in their beds even as the country participated heroically in world wars to preserve human rights. Now, given the global rush to political stupidity and animosity, there is no guarantee that grandma can sleep soundly and safely within the US borders.
That species on the highest rung of the big ladder is on the verge of climbing into the dark void of lifeless space: Grandma first!