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Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in observing that two occurrences in Madison this week make it plain that in Wisconsin, cows are much more respected than women: one event is the World Dairy Expo which is a week-long celebration honoring cows from around the world; the other is the arrogant snub of Wisconsin women by the Repub legislature–mostly white men, reinstating an 1849 law that prevents women them from managing their own bodies.
The once proud and “progressive” state of Wisconsin has put its women in the outrageous and pitiful position of having to abide by laws written by old men 70 years before women even had the legal right to vote. It was done when the arrogant narcissistic Vos Repubs refused to even allow citizens to vote on the abortion issue, as suggested in Gov. Evers’s call for a special session.
In the meantime, festive events of all kinds are being staged at the Alliant Energy Center–once more comfortably called “The fair grounds”– to honor cows.
In this “America’s Dairyland” state, the keeper wonders about his gender’s apparent willingness to treat women with less regard than cows, which are, of course only “dumb animals.”