Unknown authorUnknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in observing that those who refuse to honor the will of the people by gerrymandering themselves into office or by denying the outcome of elections or refusing to abide by the expiration of appointed terms or by applying personal ideology to justice issues, all suggest a treatment method the keeper remembers from his farm boy days when all the sheep were forcefully submerged one-by-one in a big tank of sheep-dip to cleanse them of parasites and coat them with a temporary preventive.
The sheep-dip process, provided by an independent contractor, included using a pole to briefly poke a sheep’s head under the surface of the treatment solution to insure complete exposure.
It was a spectacle that provided enduring images for the keeper, and he is now modifying those images to replace the sheep with the likes of Wisconsin Repubs–Vos and Michels specifically, conservative members of both state and federal supreme courts, all the MAGA nitwits and conspiracy embracers and Keven McCarthy.
The political dip solution is yet to be worked out but would certainly need to include some castor-oil ingredient concocted by the mother members of Planned Parenthood. Â