Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper was invited by neighbor Jim Beck to speak at a breakfast meeting of the Optimist Club over across the street at a public-school facility.
It went well, even to the point of nothing lethal being thrown at the keeper as he extolled the virtues of his novel, “Margaret’s War,” set when thousands of German POWs were in the US toward the end of WWII.
The age group of the OC members put the keeper at ease when it was revealed that most of them knew of “Roundy Coughlin” and Ed Gein.
Everyone left the meeting room as students came in to clean up the breakfast dishes, causing the keeper to drag his feet in departure with the thought that he needed to rub against some youth after the morning with his appreciative vintage crowd.
The keeper extends thanks to Jim and his fellow Optimist hosts.