Svgalbertian, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, notes that political things build up for the keeper, and to avoid serious indigestion he must sort through the laxatives of truth:Â
* Allowing an out-of-state billionaire who lives in East coast mansions to buy his way into the Wisconsin governor’s office is akin to acquiring a French poodle to herd sheep, Wisconsin sheep, or maybe Wisconsin goats.
*It is bad enough that Gerrymandered Republicans continue with the minority-representation that has destroyed Wisconsin’s once proud governing structure. To hand over what is left of state pride and decency to a right-wing moral broker as a toy for his ego is beyond catastrophic, and would be even worse than selecting Ron Johnson as the Wizard of Wisconsin’s Oz.
*That this arrogant, rich manipulator has the temerity to even campaign for the Wisconsin governorship tells you all you need to know about what kind of person he is.
*Tony Evers is the only finger in the state’s democracy dike, and he needs to be kept there during this period of invading phonies at all levels of government.