Ryancampbellrpc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, supports the keeper’s efforts to have a zip-line installed from the Vista West facility where he and Phyllis live, across Gammon Road to Memorial High School. (It would have to be walker friendly, of course.)
It is the keeper’s thinking that there are many areas where the respective age groups could benefit from information exchange: The VW residents demonstrating how to fall, and the high school crowd showing how to get back up without missing a beat and maybe even then turning a cartwheel; how to sit with contemporaries and not talk about aches and pains but instead discuss far out musical groups; considering an untied shoe not as a calamity requiring bend-over planning, but perhaps as a reason to kick your shoes off and go barefoot; preoccupation with digestive systems issues when you could be thinking about sex.
There are many other areas where the zip line could facilitate meaningful life-sharing issues between the age groups, and the keeper is offering his 5th floor balcony as a point of Vista West attachment. He is sure Phyllis—with her insatiable reading appetite, will be on board as soon as access to the Memorial HS library is pointed out.