Lou Stejskal, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper in observing that while the taverns, and their predominantly male occupants, have historically been the main places of both outrageousness and mayhem in the area of social imbibing, there has been a shift from taverns to wineries, with females now in the cultural-guzzling majority.
At a recent “Balance Rock Winery” visit with Phyllis, it was apparent to the keeper that wineries—with their woman dominated crowds, are not only a great social improvement over taverns, but offer potential for a Boston-Tea-Party type incident to trigger meaningful correction of absurd male-instilled unfairness.
It is not beyond reason to hope that one day at a winery somewhere, the ladies may uncork a second bottle, and suddenly rise up to lead their collective gender in a “no-sex-without-representation” demonstration against the bodily-invasive outrage now being forced upon them, mostly by insensitive, narcissistic males.
If it should happen someday at the Balance Rock Winery maybe it could become famously known as the “Baraboo Wine Party.”
The keeper would like to be there at the time, and he knows for sure Phyllis would not only be present but probably leading the “my body” uncorking.