Kickass and Billy Boy Pic

CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper remembers being embarrassed as a child when Aunt Sylvia sang “Billy Boy” to him; but now he has recent reason to embrace the old song –with slightly altered lyrics, after Phyllis baked a delicious Saskatoon berry pie, using berries that she and the keeper picked from a secret location.

 “Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,

“Oh, where have you been, charming Billy?

“I’ve been berry picking with my wife, she’s the joy of my life,

“She’s a young thing; and had a Saskatoon mother.

“Can she make a Saskatoon berry pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,

“Can she make a Saskatoon berry pie, charming Billy?

“She can make a Saskatoon berry pie, quick as a cat can wink an eye,

“She’s a young thing; and learned of berries from her mother.

“How old is she, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,

“How old is she, charming Billy?

“Two times six and four times seven, thirty-one and eleven,

“She’s a young thing compared to the oldest “Billy Boy” ever to be “charmed” by a Saskatoon berry pie.”

Photo by Bill Stokes

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