Kickass and Indecent Senators

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America
CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, would see the keeper’s memory bank in the form of a landfill, except that it predates such garbage-handling progress and goes back to the days of rat-infested dumps where anything could be deposited to ferment and stink things up endlessly. How else to explain a 1954 memory of the Senate McCarthy hearings when, as a UW student, the keeper remembers being clustered with others around a TV set in Memorial Union as counselor Joseph Welch said to Sen. Joseph McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir. At long last, have you no sense of decency.”

Comes now Wisconsin with another Senator whose sense of decency shames the state with his role in the Republican web of lies and the attempt to dismantle Democracy.

Sen. Johnson’s proffered involvement in transporting info about phony electors to Republican “mob” headquarters in DC transcends decency and goes to criminal; and it once again begs the question of how easy it is to use money to flimflam Wisconsin voters.

Yesterday’s video of Johnson pretending to be on his phone to avoid reporters’ questions regarding his “big-lie” participation would be comedic were it not so downright indecent!

(Historical note: Following his censure by the Senate, McCarthy turned increasingly to alcohol and died in May, 1957 of hepatitis at the age of 48.  The keeper does not remember that.) 

Photo by Bill Stokes

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