Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the Covid isolation for the keeper and Phyllis is going as well as that sort of thing can go: the keeper defines it as waiting for “green” at one of life’s arbitrary traffic lights; Phyllis fills the waiting time with soup-making and electronic communications with friends and family.
The keeper’s energy level allows nothing more strenuous than crossword puzzles, and even in that, the pen gets heavy and the clues more challenging. (What is a four-letter word beginning with d and ending with b that describes the keeper, even sans Covid?)
The current TV fare being provided by the Jan. 6 committee helps pass the time, with the keeper and Phyllis cheering for the home team of
Thompson/Cheney as it sorts through the rotting governmental landfill.
There are, of course, the hundreds of photos that both the keeper and Phyllis took on their recent mountain/glacier wandering; and sorting through them will be a lifetime exercise. For now, however, the word “exercise” is a turn-off for the keeper and as he waits for the Covid medication to kick in, he saves what energy he has for lifting the spoon from a bowl of Phyllis’s soup.