Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the door stop dog, notes that Saturday was one of those days in Madison when the keeper and his ilk celebrated the sheer joy of being alive: proms, graduations, photo sessions beneath blossoming trees, strolls down State Street, uncles in wrinkled shirts, beautiful young women in long formal dresses, and leashed dogs straining to sniff each other.
On Capitol Square, several thousand women assembled in the name of decency and outrage to express their personal opinions about the narcissistic men who insist on groping their bodies and their mental wellbeing.
Phyllis, her granddaughter Taylor, and friend Julie were there by dint of transportation provided by the keeper.  He–the keeper, watching it all from a distance, and with an unimpeded view of the magnificent Capitol Building, was left to ponder why such a great day in such a great place left him and his crowd with a sense of foreboding and dread? Â
The answer apparently is in their knowing of the infestation of political vermin gnawing away at the foundations of basic decency and compassion.
But the glorious day prevailed; and in Madison, Wisconsin on May 14, 2022, it was great to be alive!Â