David Attenborough
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website – www.dfat.gov.au, CC BY 3.0 AU, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, passes along the keeper’s assessment that watching the PBS “Climate Change” program hosted by David Attenborough produced the sensation of being aboard a doomed airliner.
The program’s take-away for the keeper was that a catastrophic mass Earth “SPLAT” is inevitable, and the only way to avoid being part of it is for your personal stardust to be rearranged so you have bailed out by the time the disaster occurs.
From this verity, the keeper sees an obtuse advantage in his old age, and points to 95-year-old Attenborough as a striking model who shows how to wring quality and meaning out of the exit years.
Attenborough’s speculation that there is still time for the Earth to pull out of its suicide dive was not convincing for the keeper, considering that the narcissistic greed-cult is so firmly at the controls.
Despite this assessment, the keeper and Phyllis heed Attenborough’s plea for program viewers to speak up to bring about Earth-saving measures: “BEFRIEND THE DANDELIONS!”