Photo by cottonbro:
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, on this egg-dominated Easter morning, is not sure just where he stands on the request the keeper made to Vista West director Jeanne to keep a small flock of chickens on the 5th floor balcony where he and Phyllis live.
Despite having already been turned down on his application to keep a small horse in the Vista West parking basement, the keeper is hopeful that since Madison allows backyard chickens, there is no reason to refuse his balcony chicken request. (Several neighbors have expressed in interest in getting fresh eggs.)
Phyllis has been able to control her enthusiasm for the balcony-chicken plan, pointing out that their balcony is directly over the Vista West main entrance which might be subject to the deposit of chicken “waste.”
It is the keeper’s contention that admitting to the reality of chicken s— is essential to leading an enjoyable and full life, such as that offered by Vista West.
Leghorns or Plymouth rock? The keeper can’t decide, but he may have some time for that decision.
Happy Easter!