Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports the keeper’s sad news from his sister Norma that her daughter Jan died unexpectedly in her sleep, leaving behind a devastated mother and family, and uncle, who experienced the loss of a daughter several years ago.
Death dances in life’s conga line
With the step of an arrogant cat:
No rhythm. No tune. No time,
Just “Follow me, and that’s that!”
The emptiness of surviving Jan
Burdens her grieving mother
And all members of her clan,
Who know there can never be another!
The Death trip waits for us all
And it poses no rules or order.
“But, Jan, there was no call
For you to cross the big border.”
We were not done loving you,
And we still had laughter to share.
It wasn’t your turn, it’s true.
But you did it your way, and that’s fair.
We will miss you, Jan, there is no doubt,
Norma most: you were “just” her child.
So, Jan, goodbye along your mystery route.
May the conga dance be fun and wild.