Brian0918 at en.wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, in assisting the keeper as he tries to see something good in everything, including the Wisconsin winter that refuses to yield to spring, points out that the incredibly stupid political events of the immediate past have produced a plethora of phrases of displeasure and disgust that are appropriate in discussing the Wisconsin weather, which everyone does.
For example, if someone remarks on the latest sloppy Wisconsin snowfall, the keeper recommends retrieving a phrase previously used in describing Ron Johnson’s insensitivity and ignorance, with inclusion of the original obscenities such as “narcissistic SOB” and others being optional.
In waking to yet more of the latest Wisconsin freezing temperatures and dirty slush, it might be useful to think back and use some of what was commonly said when the narcissistic Repub crew of Vos, Prehn, Tiffany, Grossman, etc. performed its latest gerrymandered insult for the citizenry.
Again, while obscenity is optional, a descriptive phrase without it has been rare in discussing the Wisconsin Repub political scene, as has been such labeling as “Rotten bastards,” that was widely used during the most recent legislative session; and now, even with jumbled plurality, fits the Wisconsin weather like a, oh, like a glove, a GD lost glove!