Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, again endorses the keeper’s call for the creation of a no-nonsense “World Mother” with tribal authority to take the likes of Putin by the back of the neck and bang his head against the wall until he stops acting as the playground bully.
So long as the UN remains as ineffective as a woodshed boys club, there is a crying need for a “World Mother” to stomp into the male-dominated game of war with a willow switch and sting some ego-oriented asses.
Leaving the world’s males to continue to build their military-industrial toy box makes as much sense as allowing dogs to defecate on the living room carpet, something that would infuriate a World Mother to the point she would swing her broom in the name of serious house cleaning.
War, of course, is the ultimate male-born absurdity, and has been since cave days: Isn’t there some way for a female to grab the club and knock some sense into the slack-jawed males loitering around the big campfire before all the blood drains out of their brains and heads for their genitalia?
World Mother, where are you?