JIP, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, passes along the keeper’s assessment that the rampant decay of Western civilization has been short-stopped at the door of the Dorfhaus supper club in the crossroad community of Roxbury, where you can start with tasty Old-fashioneds and then enjoy a fine German dinner without so-called music blaring out of overhead speakers to the point that conversation is impossible.
Before he woke up to the fact that simply walking out was the obvious solution to ear-abusing eating joints, the keeper was wont to request—usually to no effect, that the “music” be turned down.
Sunday, as the keeper and Phyllis enjoyed authentic German fare at the Dorfhaus, there was only the low murmuring of voices from other dinners; and it was possible for the keeper to remark to Phyllis, without shouting, that she may be getting more than her half of the bread-pudding-with-rum-sauce desert that they shared.
There was also a notable absence of cell phone use at the tables as the Dorfhaus diners actually talked to one another.
An oblique downside may be that the keeper ate too much sausage and sauerkraut, and then took home enough left-over to last on into next week: Gastronomic restraint is not his strong suit; neither is tolerating
auditory assults while he is pigging out.
Sei ruhig!