James Moore200, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports—rats on, the keeper for his latest culinary crash when he had the poor judgement to think he could be as creative with leftovers as Phyllis is when she turns out a delicious stew with back-shelf material.
In the tried-and-true technique of throwing everything into a pot and cooking the hell out of it, there are obviously some refinements that escape the keeper.
Phyllis ate what he turned out, even commenting that it was “interesting.” (Well, yeah, how could combining such things as apples, potatoes, mushrooms, onions with last week’s porkchops in diluted store-bought beef gravy fail to be interesting?)
In a post dinner conversation, the keeper used the word “slumgullion,”
which Phyllis said she had not heard. A quick check with Echo defined slumgullion as a vegetable-beef stew but also as “The refuse from processing whale carcasses.”
Next time around, the keeper may throw some smoked oysters into the pot.