Kickass and Snow Denial Plan

, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is assisting the keeper in distributing instructions for using the Snow-Denial plan which, incidentally, is similar to how the Repubs embrace the “big lie.”

Fact one: Though the ground is covered with something white, that could be god’s dandruff as these things are interpreted by various religious entities.

Fact two: All the shoveling and plowing of the white stuff is a mass search for the truth, which must be down there somewhere on the hard surface of reality.

Fact three: Mixing snow and gravity is a certain recipe for true disaster; and falling on your ass is a symbolic act of contrition for being so dumb as to go outside.

Fact four: Ignoring the inevitability of the dirty grey slush to come; and seeing only beauty in winter snow demands an eye test and a mental evaluation.

The Snow Denial plan has obvious application to the “big lie”, and the keeper hereby generously offers it to the Repubs.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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