Alex Proimos from Sydney, Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that even including a brief but vicious dog fight in the middle of the living room, the Christmas Day gathering with the keeper and Phyllis will go into the records as another delightful memory maker.
Phyllis’s production of a sauerbraten dinner with all the trimmings, was sensational, nearly drowning out the keeper’s memories of his grandmother’s lutefisk Christmas Eve extravaganzas.
The dogfight—between an older beagle type and an impudent terroir teen, lasted only seconds and was later identified as the subliminal spiritual residue of political malcontent—making the point, of course, that Wisconsin politics and politicians have gone to the dogs and the dogs are not happy about it.
Kickass would have lectured the fighting dogs about appropriate Holiday behavior, but he too is upset about the political scene; and if he were not so old and made of cast-iron and therefore pretty much immobile, he would follow the dictates of his namesake and kick some Repub asses, holiday or no holiday!