Photo by Bill Stokes
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper has inside information that Santa accidentally touched the screen on his sleigh’s dashboard when it was in navigation mode, and the reindeer are now doing a U-turn over Butternut, Wisconsin, a small community that—like the rest of the state–believes.
Earlier, Santa was temporarily stalled until he was informed by Rudolph that he was NOT the fat man featured in the “big lie.”
In fact, Rudolph told Santa, that so many people believing in Santa’s existence is not testimony to gullibility, but rather to the existence of hope and other good things as once described in that “Dear Virginia” newspaper editorial.
Also, Rudolph noted, no matter how old you might be, you can still believe in Santa; and therefore, a Santa stop will be made in Madison where the keeper and Phyllis have hung up their stockings, and from where they wish everyone a very happy holiday as they watch the sky for any sign of a fat man in a sleigh being towed by flying reindeer, one of which has a red nose!