Kickass and Kraus Getting Old List

Kenneth C. Zirkel
CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, is working with the keeper to update a list of tips for dealing with getting old as it was originally drafted by Bill Kraus, one of the late, great Republicans in Wisconsin’s political history.

In addition to Bill’s advice to avoid low chairs, see handrails as your new best friend and never consider leather-soled shoes, the keeper would add lengthening the time spent in deciding whether or not you really want to pick up a dropped item or simply kick it aside so you won’t trip over it.

Bill, who lived into his 90’s, was involved in fighting against Wisconsin’s crippling gerrymandered absurdity until the day he died; and the keeper and others would continue that cause in Bill’s name; and also because it seems that the older one gets, the more important it is for representatives to be honest, compassionate and with constituents’ best interests at heart.

Bill’s list on adjusting to aging also suggested concentrating on one thing at a time, and to giving new respect to hard liquor.

The keeper and other Wisconsin citizens need to concentrate on doing something about the gerrymandered narcissists who are taking the state over the moral cliff; and then they need to have a stiff drink, but, as Bill suggested: maybe not TOO stiff.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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