Denali National Park and Preserve, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, aware that the keeper made a career out of expressing himself, watched as he—the keeper, and Phyllis listened to the debate over renewing the practice of men—mostly old white men, telling women how they—women, must use their bodies in reproductive matters.
Compounding the circumstance is the fact that Phyllis spent a number of years working for Planned Parenthood; and, in the keeper’s eyes, she represents what it is to be a woman in her own right, not subjugated by male ego ignorance and capable of making personal decisions in her own best interests as should be guaranteed to all women.
Old white men who lead the charge to retain political control of women’s bodies must be compared to the single-minded bull elk, bugling incessantly from the mountain tops, and motivated by reproductive chemicals to do foolish things.
Does human intelligence count for nothing, and are the old white men no smarter than the libido-driven bull elk?
The keeper poses the question at large: he already knows where Phyllis stands.