Prefeitura de Olinda from Brasil, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that while the keeper denies that it is his “hobby,” he spends an astounding amount of time looking for items he has misplaced or downright lost. Yesterday it was his wallet, containing, of course, credit cards, personal identities and even instructions for dealing with his demise. (No currency as he uses a money clip.)
But given such valuable contents as the documentation of his life, the keeper was thrown into a panic as he searched for the missing wallet, looking repeatedly in the same places over and over, and beginning to whimper to the extent that it attracted Phyllis’s attention and she joined in the search until she found the wallet in the pocket of a jacket that the keeper had not worn for a day or so.
This is the kind of thing that cements relationships, and the keeper was so grateful that he offered Phyllis anything she wanted, which turned out to be as simple as a Culver’s sundae.
The keeper likes to think that looking for lost or misplaced items is a natural activity that becomes dominant with the elderly as it replaces time they previously spent working or playing: What would the keeper have done with the time he spent looking for his lost wallet? He does not know, and so there it is! An opportunity to exercise emotional muscle is not to be denied, particularly if it contributes to the quality of a relationship.