Kickass and National Guard Justice

1st Lt. Michael Lovas
, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper notes the presence of the National Guard in Kenosha in anticipation of a jury decision Monday in the case of the stupid Illinois teen who used HIS military assault weapon to kill and injure demonstrators.

That this undisciplined, self-serving jerk has been embraced as a hero by the Trump Tramps—and perhaps also by the babbling presiding judge, should come as no surprise in a state largely paralyzed by a gerrymandered, minority-rule government that considers anti-vacciners to be patriotic heroes.

It is the keeper’s unwelcome conclusion that there must be something in the state water other than the corporate cow manure that soaks in from the factory farms and poisons hundreds of wells. There can be no other explanation for making it necessary to call out the National Guard to ensure that justice is done for an offensive wayward teen who insults the populace with crocodile tears for the murders he committed.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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One thought on “Kickass and National Guard Justice

  1. So it is, Bill. The country’s sense of justice, fair play, and good judgment has taken on a semblance of a Hieronymous Bosch painting…Frightening and just plain perverse.

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