Kickass Looks at the Map

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

By Bill Stokes

Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that the keeper did a strange thing recently in driving from a distant location to his home: he looked at an actual map, noted the roads he wanted to travel, then ignored the smug blabbing of passengers’ navigation devices, and made the drive as flawlessly as an old horse headed for the home barn.

It was a most refreshing experience, and the keeper plans to do more of that kind of thing—ignoring the increasingly invasive technology with its constant humiliating results; and reverting to the way things were once accomplished.  He keeps looking—so far in vain, for a phone booth so he can stop and have a chat with his mother who has been gone lo these many years.

As a prelude to his recent driving experience, the keeper found himself at a breakfast gathering where most of the participants were staring at their I-phones while he studied a paper road map.  It could have been embarrassing but it wasn’t—the keeper is way past that as he gets more and more comfortable with being in the dusty middle of a technological demolition derby that knocks him on his fanny with amazing regularity.

Photo by Bill Stokes

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