Anjaneyadas, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, passes along the keeper’s observation that from their new location, he and Phyllis have a distant nighttime view of the lighted Capital Dome showing it to be in the proximity of several blinking red lights.
The obvious conclusion was too easy for the keeper and he went immediately to historical sources to learn that red light districts go back to 1650 in Amsterdam when prostitutes carried red lanterns to signal their availability to returning sailors, and to use the colored light to disguise their defects and diseases.
This information did not bring about any wholesale change in the keeper’s opinion of what has been going on at the Capitol under the Vos gang of narcissistic Repubs with their minority-rule state government. The red lights did, however, create the image that the keeper and his ilk are all homesick sailors, still at sea, but trying their damndest to get back to Amsterdam.