Super Festivals from Ft. Lauderdale, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, joins the keeper as he and all of those in the 90-year-old age group celebrate William Shatner’s 10-minute space ride.
While it is comforting to acknowledge accomplishments by 90-year-olds, the reality of Shatner’s experience costing him a half-million dollars or so, brings some perspective to the matter; and in the keeper’s case might translate to him—the keeper, riding the elevator at the VA hospital up to the 5th floor for an eye check.
That is not a complaint, but simply an observation to make the point that money may decide rocket thrills for the older citizens, but what counts for most of them are no-fee elevator rides to such places as the VA Eye Clinic or the Cardio Lab.
“Don’t beam us up just yet, Scotty: we’ve got places to go and things to see.”