Corey Coyle, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
By Bill Stokes
Kickass, the doorstop dog, reports that during the keeper’s long journalistic efforts to stay out of the city room and thus avoid editors and honest labor, he came up with a number of writing schemes built around seasons—“Spring up the Mississippi,” “Around Lake Michigan in the winter,” “Spring across Wisconsin,” and various summer themes; but there was never any organized attempt to build a column series around fall, perhaps because that season, being the keeper’s favorite, saturated his regular autumnal column writing efforts and provided limitless excuses to avoid the newsroom without benefit of a seasonal bouquet.
It is not too late, however, to correct that “fall” omission, and the keeper herein announces that he—in the company of Phyllis, will be doing a writing project under the overline of “Falling into Wisconsin,” which will include gawking at brilliantly colored leaves, noting the preparations of migrating birds, watching the corn jungles collapse to stubble before giant machines, strolling wooded trails where buck-rubs denote seasonal passion, marveling at fall asters and goldenrod, and pausing at times to simply appreciate being around for yet one more glorious Wisconsin fall!